Workshop in Warrenton focuses on industrial hemp

Tractor mowing hemp on hemp farm
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The University of Missouri Extension is offering a workshop on the emerging industrial hemp industry in Missouri.

MU Extension field specialist in horticulture Justin Keay says speakers will include MU Extension specialists, the Missouri Department of Agriculture’s hemp program director, Missouri Hemp Trade Association representatives, and hemp growers and processors. Keay says it is important that growers understand the investment costs and potential risks before entering this new market.

Keay says speakers will give a legislative summary and regulatory update and cover topics such as agronomy practices and pests, industry outlook, crop enterprise budgets, processing, contracts and more.

The workshop runs from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 16, at the MU Extension Center in Warren County, 107 W. Walton St., Warrenton. Register online at the University of Missouri Extension website or call 636-456-3444 by Nov. 14. Contact Keay at or 314-400-7388 for more information.

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