Women Landowners Ag Conference highlights farm succession planning

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Passing a farm to the next generation will be a key topic at the 21st annual Women Landowners Ag Conference, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Friday, Nov. 11, in Concordia, Mo.

The conference, started by the USDA Farm Service Agency and the University of Missouri Extension, provides information to women of all ages who have to make management decisions on their farms, said Katie Neuner, MU Extension agricultural business specialist.

“Farm succession planning is always a popular topic,” Neuner said. “It’s the plan to leave your legacy to future generations. While most family farmers want to leave their farm to a family member, we have not properly prepared the next generation to take over.”

According to the U.S. Census of Agriculture, the average age of on-farm decision-makers is 59, and 66% of primary farm producers are 65 or older.

“We hope our conference participants will learn some valuable tools to use as they think about their own succession plans,” Neuner said.

This year’s keynote speaker is Rena Striegel, president of Transition Point Business Advisors, which provides farm succession planning services through The DIRTT Project (Dedicated Internal Resource for Training and Transition). Striegel, who grew up on a dairy and hog farm in What Cheer, Iowa, is a certified business coach and holds an MBA from the University of Iowa. In addition to her hands-on work with business owners, she is a frequent contributor to farming publications such as Top Producer Magazine, Progressive Forage, Farm Journal, and Cattle Business Weekly.

Other workshop topics include pasture renovation, which can help remedy issues resulting from drought. Small farm businesses will also benefit from marketing tips, Neuner said. Participants can learn about USDA programs from representatives of several different agencies.

“If you are just beginning or have been farming your entire life, there is something for everyone,” she said.

The conference will be held at the Concordia Community Center, 802 S. Gordon St. Concordia. Doors open at 8:30 a.m. Register by Nov. 4 at this link.

For more information, call the MU Extension Center in Lafayette County at 660-584-3658 or email Katie Neuner at neunercm@missouri.edu.

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