Weather historian Glen Briggs sheds light on Trenton’s frigid past

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Weather historian in Trenton, Glen Briggs, has provided some interesting information on “below zero” temperatures and continuous days of snow depth that he says cover the years 1895 to 2024.

Besides 2024, there have been just four years when the daytime high temperatures were less than or equal to zero. Statistics show these encompassed two consecutive days in January 1912, February 1933, December 1983, and February 2021. Trenton had a below-zero high Sunday (January 14) of minus 7. Today might be the second straight day of a zero high or a below-zero maximum temperature.

The number of consecutive days with minimum temperatures less than or equal to zero is more impressive. That list is led by 14 days in January of 1912; a dozen (12) days in January of 1940; ten (10) days in January of 1936; ten (10) days in January 1963, and nine (9) days in December 1983. This month, Trenton has had double-digit low temperatures the last two nights of minus 16 and minus 11. The forecast tonight is another 11 below zero.

Briggs reported Trenton would need to get to 13 days with snow on the ground to break into the top 25 for the longest stretches of snow remaining on the ground. Trenton has seven consecutive days with snow remaining. Given the forecast for below-freezing temps this week, it’s possible to reach 13 days this month, if not more, with snow on the ground. A government report for Trenton totals nine inches of snow in January 2024.

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