Voter turnout in 2020 presidential election was 76.2% in Grundy County compared to 71% in 2016

Presidential Election 2020
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Balloting for the general election in Grundy County was heavier than it was four years ago in terms of the percentage who voted, but it was nearly the same on the headcount.

Including those who voted in person Tuesday, plus those who voted in advance via an absentee or mail-in ballot, a total of 4,467 were counted. That’s a 76.2 percent voter turnout since the number of registered voters in Grundy County is 5,859.

The last presidential election in 2016 involved Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

Even though Grundy County had more registered voters at that time, the number who actually voted was 4,478 which is just 11 more than this year. The voter turnout in 2016 was listed as 71 percent.

Besides the presidential voting statewide candidates, and six statewide ballot issues then, Grundy County featured one local race for a county commissioner seat and a proposed tax increase for the Grundy County nursing home district. The general election this time had the choice between presidential candidates, races for statewide offices, two amendments but there were no local county races or issues.

In comparing the two general election years, Grundy’s County number of registered voters has dropped by 450 from the total eligible in 2016. That could be interpreted as a loss of 100-plus voters each year in Grundy County.

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