Volunteers needed for disaster drill in Trenton on September 21

Community Disaster Drill or Exercise news graphic
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The Grundy County Emergency Management Agency is actively seeking volunteers for a community disaster exercise scheduled for September 21 from 8 a.m. to noon. The drill will take place at the fire training center and various locations around Trenton.

Emergency Management Director Glen Briggs emphasized the importance of maintaining an element of surprise, especially for emergency responders. He noted that by not disclosing the exact locations of the drill, the scenario becomes more realistic for those involved.

The exercise will simulate a chemical incident involving a motor vehicle crash that damages a nurse tank being filled by a large rail tank, resulting in an uncontrollable release of chemicals.



Volunteers are needed to act as evacuees from long-term care facilities and as bystanders observing the event.



Grundy County Emergency Management conducts large-scale exercises like this every two years, with operational and discussion-based exercises occurring in the intervening years. These exercises allow various entities to review and refine their emergency plans.

The planning for this exercise began approximately 1 1/2 years (18 months) ago, with Grundy County Emergency Management collaborating with facilitators, railroad representatives, and other entities, including the local hospital, to develop the scenario.



Briggs encourages businesses and organizations to assess their emergency plans and consider conducting similar tests to ensure their plans do not conflict with one another. Communication is critical in these situations.



A public information officer will manage communications during the exercise, providing updates to the public and media outlets. Additionally, door hangers will be distributed in the neighborhood where the simulation occurs, informing residents that their area was included in the exercise.

The agency is seeking approximately 30 volunteers for the drill. While adult volunteers are preferred, roles can also be found for children if participants wish to involve their families.

The Trenton First Baptist Church will assist with transportation during the exercise, moving volunteers between locations. Anyone with access to other forms of transportation, such as another church vehicle, who wishes to help is encouraged to contact Grundy County Emergency Management.

Volunteers can sign up for the disaster drill by visiting the Grundy County Missouri website, calling Glen Briggs at the Grundy County Courthouse at 660-359-4040, or sending a message through the Grundy County Emergency Management Facebook page.



Emergency management requests that volunteers sign up by September 1 to ensure proper coordination.


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