Video: Golden Dragon Acrobats to perform in Kirksville

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A group of acrobats originally from China will return to Kirksville as part of Truman State University’s Kohlenberg Lyceum Series.

The Golden Dragon Acrobats will perform in the Baldwin Auditorium on the night of March 2nd at 7 o’clock. The Broadway veterans have toured the United States since 1978 and utilize traditional dance, costumes, ancient and contemporary music, and theatrical techniques.

Tickets cost $10.00 and are available on the Lyceum website, the cashier window in McClain Hall, and the Kirksville Area Chamber of Commerce. If there are tickets available March 2nd, they can be purchased at the Baldwin Auditorium ticket window 30 minutes before the show.

Questions on the Kohlenburg Lyceum Series can be directed to or 660-785-4128. More information on the acrobats is available on the Golden Dragon Acrobats website


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