Veterans events at Trenton VFW Post throughout September 2024

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The Trenton VFW Post 919 has scheduled several events in September 2024 to assist veterans with their VA paperwork and provide support services. The events are aimed at offering veterans the opportunity to receive guidance from Veterans Service Officers (VSOs) and counselors.

On Friday, September 6, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., a Veterans Service Officer will be available at Trenton VFW Post 919 to help veterans with their VA paperwork and answer any questions they may have. Veterans are encouraged to bring a copy of their DD-214 and any VA paperwork they possess.

Also on Friday, September 6, a Vet Center Counselor will be available from 11 a.m. until all individuals are seen. Veterans interested in scheduling an appointment are advised to call 660-359-2078.

A second session with a Veterans Service Officer is scheduled for Monday, September 9, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the same location. Veterans should bring their DD-214 and any relevant VA paperwork.

On Friday, September 12, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., another Veterans Service Officer from the Missouri Veterans Commission will be present at Trenton VFW Post 919 to assist veterans with their paperwork and inquiries.

Additionally, a counselor, Dr. Hudson, is available on an as-needed basis throughout the month for veterans in need of PTSD and readjustment counseling. Both discharged and active military members are welcome to seek counseling services.

The Trenton VFW is also seeking individuals interested in becoming VA Shuttle Drivers. Those interested can obtain more information by calling 660-359-2078.

For veterans needing to schedule a ride on the Kansas City VA Shuttle, which operates every Wednesday to Kansas City and associated clinics, please call 660-359-2078.

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