More than 400 items collected during toy drive by organizations in the Trenton community

2022 toy drive organized by Wright Memorial Physicians Group
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More than 400 items were collected during the toy drive organized by Wright Memorial Physicians’ Group, Saint Luke’s Mercer County Clinic, and North Central Missouri College Athletic Department.

The toys will benefit children in Grundy and Mercer counties. “This was the first year that Wright Memorial Physicians’ Group and Saint Luke’s Mercer County Clinic partnered with the NCMC Athletics Department for the toy drive and it exceeded our expectations,” said Shane Lynch, Practice Manager for Wright Memorial Physician Clinics. “It’s so humbling to see our community come together to make the holidays a little bit brighter for some kids in our area.”


2022 toy drive organized by Wright Memorial Physicians Group
Pictured left to right – Jeremy Esry, Shane Lynch, Paige Orndorff, Kaylee Wood, Jeb Walker, Lucinda Dolan, Kara Helmandollar, Dennis McAtee, and Jennifer Wyckoff

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