Missouri State Auditor investigates 406% surge in outlawed check expenditures

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A dramatic increase in the amount the state owes and is paying out for “outlawed checks” each year has caught the attention of Missouri State Auditor Scott Fitzpatrick and prompted him to more closely examine the issue. Fitzpatrick announced that his office has started a state audit that will look for the underlying causes that have resulted in outlawed check expenditures increasing by 406% in the last five years.

Under Missouri law, an individual who has received a check from the state has a period of 12 months to cash it. If not redeemed during that period, the check is deemed “outlawed” and is no longer valid unless the individual files a request with the Missouri State Treasurer’s Office for a replacement check. The sudden surge in the overall amount the state owes and has been paying out in outlawed checks each year has caused Fitzpatrick to want to dig deeper to guard against inefficiency and waste, fraud, or abuse.

“We’ve seen not only a 186% increase in the state’s liability over the last five years but also a 406% increase in the actual amount the state has paid out in replacement checks,” said Fitzpatrick, who noted the state issued nearly $1.9 million in duplicate checks in Fiscal Year 2019 and more than $9.5 million in Fiscal Year 2023. During that same period, the state’s liability related to outlawed checks increased from approximately $8 million to nearly $23 million.

Fitzpatrick added, “In an era when more and more payments are completed electronically, this sudden increase in replacement checks is unexpected. Since no one has a good explanation for this activity, we’re going to go in and see if we can figure out what’s going on for the taxpayers.”

Fitzpatrick’s team of auditors began their audit of the outlawed checks on Monday, June 17.

Individuals may provide confidential information for consideration during the outlawed checks audit to the State Auditor’s Whistleblower Hotline at 800-347-8597, by email at moaudit@auditor.mo.gov, or by visiting This link on the Missouri State Auditor’s website.

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