Missouri AG issues statement following latest Planned Parenthood court hearing

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey speaks to reporters (Photo by Rudi Keller - Missouri Independent)
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Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey issued the following statement after his latest round in court against Planned Parenthood for stonewalling his investigation into gender transition interventions performed on children:

“The law is clear that my office has the legal authority to protect children in the State of Missouri. Three courts have affirmed that idea already. I launched this investigation to obtain the truth about how this clandestine network of clinics subjected children to puberty blockers and irreversible surgery, often without parental consent. We are moving forward undeterred with our investigation into Planned Parenthood. I will not stop until all bad actors are held accountable.”

Attorney General Bailey is now three for three in his court battles across the state to force clinics that performed gender transition interventions on children to comply with his investigations. He filed a motion of amended judgment to obtain all documents from Planned Parenthood-St. Louis after the court ordered that his office could obtain most of the documents he originally subpoenaed.

The Court’s original ruling related to Planned Parenthood-St. Louis can be viewed here.

The Court’s ruling related to Planned Parenthood-Great Plains can be viewed here.

The Court’s ruling related to Children’s Mercy can be viewed here.

(Photo by Rudi Keller – Missouri Independent)

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