Man shot while robbing a market in Missouri, sentenced to 15 years in prison

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U.S. District Judge Henry E. Autrey on Tuesday sentenced a man who was shot while robbing a St. Louis market to 15 years in prison.

John L. Smith, 43, of Florissant, pleaded guilty in November to a robbery charge and a charge of brandishing a firearm in furtherance of a crime of violence. He admitted entering the market in the 4500 block of Athlone Avenue on Aug. 19, 2020, and pulling a small black pistol before demanding, “Give me all you got!”

Smith threatened to kill one employee if he didn’t move faster to the register. Another employee retrieved a handgun and shot Smith. Smith fled the store with $30, but left his phone and his DNA behind. Police and the FBI found a black Hi-Point 9mm semi-automatic pistol in a court-authorized search of his home.

Judge Autrey ordered the 15-year sentence to run consecutive to any sentence he receives for violating his probation in a 2002 robbery case and a 2003 robbery case in St. Louis County Circuit Court.

The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department and the FBI investigated this case.  Assistant U.S. Attorney J. Christian Goeke prosecuted the case.

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