Laredo Board of Aldermen approve ordinance relating to maintenance of grass, lawns and bushes

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The Laredo Board of Aldermen on August 14 accepted the proposed tax levy for 2023. The levy was set at $0.9976 per $100 of assessed valuation. City Clerk Tasha Ueltzen reported that there was no opposition.

The board approved an ordinance amending the maintenance of grass, lawns, and bushes within the city. The amendment states that an owner may request the city to cut the lawn at a rate of $35 per hour. The lawn must be free of sticks, debris, or other objects that could damage a mower.  If a lawn or lot reaches a height of eight inches, the landowner will receive a letter providing three days to comply with the city ordinance. If the lawn is not mowed by the fourth day, the city will mow it, and the owner will incur a charge of $100 plus an hourly rate of $35.

Another approved ordinance pertained to trash collection services. The board accepted a contract from GFL as the city’s trash service provider.

The ordinance also stated that the rate for trash services billed to customers by the city will be $15 per month for each household. Annual rate increases will align with the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics Price Index for urban consumers. Additionally, the city will apply a 5% fuel charge each month when the price of diesel reaches or exceeds $3.50 per gallon. Consequently, trash service rates may fluctuate until the contract concludes in 2028.

The city clerk provided a 30-day notice of her resignation. The board acknowledged and accepted her decision, and the city is now welcoming applications for the role.

The city will soon complete smoke testing of the sanitary sewers in the Big Hill Area on the south side of town. This testing aims to identify faulty sewer pipes and cross-connections that permit stormwater and groundwater to infiltrate the sanitary sewer system. Smoke should not infiltrate any homes or businesses unless there are existing leaks or plumbing issues. If smoke does enter a structure, residents or business owners should immediately alert city employees in the vicinity.

For further details on the city clerk position or the smoke testing, contact Laredo City Hall at 660-286-2632.

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