Insurance premium increases for North Mercer School District

North Mercer School District Website V1
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The North Mercer R-3 Board of Education approved an insurance bid from CPSK on December 12. Superintendent Wade Hall reported that the annual premium will be $61,951, representing a 13% increase from the previous year’s premium.

The insurance package will cover various aspects of the school district, including property, boiler and machinery, crime, liability, cyber security, automobile liability, automobile physical damage, and workers’ compensation.

Conrad and Higgins performed the district’s audit, which the board approved on June 30.

The Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) team plans to monitor progress toward achieving CSIP goals after the Christmas Break.

Following an executive session, the board offered a kindergarten teaching contract to Danessa Stout and hired Esabel Holt as a paraprofessional. Both Stout and Holt are scheduled to begin their roles on January 2.

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