Grundy R-5 Board of Education sets school lunch and breakfast prices

Grundy County R-5 School District website
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The Grundy County R-5 Board of Education approved district participation in the federal school lunch program for the upcoming school year during its July 16 meeting. The board also set lunch and breakfast prices for the new school year. Lunch prices are $3 for high school students and adults and $2.90 for elementary school students. Breakfast prices are $1.50 for high school students, $1.40 for elementary school students, and $1.70 for adults.

Superintendent Phillip Fox announced minor changes to the high school handbook were approved by the board. Additionally, the board discussed introducing a weight training program for students and directed the administration to gather more information and report at the next meeting.

The board previously approved participation in the Teacher Baseline Salary Grant for the upcoming school year. They discussed providing stipends for staff members whose base salaries exceed $40,000 but took no action.

The annual tax rate hearing for Grundy R-5 is scheduled for August 15 at 6 p.m., followed by the regular meeting at 6:15 p.m. in the High School Business Room.

During the meeting, the board heard a report on the district’s investment plan and maintenance and improvement projects for the elementary and high school buildings. No action was taken on these reports.

The elementary back-to-school night is set for August 14 from 5:30 to 7 p.m.

There were no announcements made from the closed session.

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