Grundy County Jewett Norris Library welcomes new director

Grundy County Jewett Norris Library
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The Grundy County Jewett Norris Library in Trenton has appointed a new library director, Sarah Shoberg, who began her role on June 3. Shoberg, originally from Chillicothe, pursued her graduate studies at the University of Oklahoma, where she obtained a degree in library science.

Shoberg has accumulated experience working in various libraries, including those in the Kansas City area.



Nearly a year ago, Shoberg welcomed a new baby, and she describes the timing of the library director position opening as “really good.” This opportunity allowed her to return to the area, which she finds very fitting for her family and career.

Reflecting on her initial days in the role, Shoberg shared that her experience has been positive, largely due to the supportive staff at the library.



Although Shoberg has not yet implemented any changes, she acknowledges that libraries are constantly evolving. She is currently considering various ideas to enhance the library’s services, attract more patrons, and meet the community’s needs.

Community members are invited to meet Shoberg on June 27 at a reception on the main floor of the Grundy County Jewett Norris Library, scheduled from 2 to 4 p.m. This event will offer attendees the chance to interact with the new library director and other staff members. Cookies and drinks will be provided.

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