Audio: New exhibition, “Focus on Photography,” on display at Dorris Rider Art Gallery

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A presentation will be held in conjunction with the current show at the Dorris Rider Art Gallery in Trenton. The gallery is in the Frey Administrative Building on the North Central Missouri College campus.

Arts Alive will sponsor “Focus on Photography” on May 7th from 1 to 2:30 pm. The program will be free and open to the public. Jim Norris, with the art gallery, says photography from former Trenton resident Tim Reynolds has been on display for a couple of months.



The exhibit will close on May 20th. There will be a reception that day from 1 to 2:30 pm, and those in attendance can visit with Reynolds.

Norris says Reynolds grew up in Trenton and graduated from Trenton High School in 1979. After a stint in the Air Force, Reynolds was an air traffic controller for the Federal Aviation Administration.



Reynolds now lives in the Kansas City area.

Norris says the Dorris Rider Art Gallery is two levels, and the upstairs is like a balcony. There are about 35 photos on display, and every piece in the gallery is for sale.



The art gallery’s regular hours are weekdays from 8:30 to 4:30. It is also open by appointment.

More information on the “Focus on Photography” show on May 7th, Tim Reynolds’s closing reception on May 20th, or the Dorris Rider Art Gallery, in general, can be obtained by contacting Jim Norris at North Central Missouri College at 660-357-6345. More information can also be found on the Dorris Rider Art Gallery’s Facebook page.

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