Two from Chillicothe arrested for endangering the welfare of a child, four children placed into protective custody

Child Endangerment
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Two Chillicothe residents have been charged in Livingston County with four counts of first-degree endangering the welfare of a child, creating a substantial risk.

Forty-eight-year-old Benjamin Williams and 39-year-old Nicole Koch, both of 903 Woodward Street, each have a bond of $7,500 cash only.

In addition, Williams is charged with first-degree harassment and Koch is charged with resisting or Interfering with an arrest of a felony.

Chillicothe police officers report that on Thursday morning a search warrant was served in the 900 block of Woodward Street and forced entry to the residence was made after a male refused entry. Police arrested two adults and took four young children into protective custody due to cramped and unsanitary living conditions, including a lice infestation.

Animals were removed from the home by animal control before there was condemnation by code enforcement. Police report the children are now safe.

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