Trenton’s Building and Nuisance Board removes three properties from list, takes action on others

Trenton Building and Nuisance Board
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Three properties were removed from the list during a meeting of the Trenton Building and Nuisance Board last evening. It was noted that the owners of the properties have completed the work requested by the city.

Removed from the nuisance list was 505 Wiggins Street, owned by Wayne King. At a public hearing, 1615 Tindall Avenue was also removed, with owner Phillip Malazzo informing the board that he would clean up what remains. Additionally, 1416 Chestnut Street, owned by Brad Chumbley, was removed from the findings of fact. Chumbley informed the board that the house had been secured, the brush cleaned up, and the yard mowed.

Set to advance to public hearings next month are 2201 Park Lane and 1717 Chicago.

Moving to findings of fact is 2102 Park Lane. Owners Fred and Patsy Griffin attended the meeting and reported that it would be late November before someone could work on the house. They expressed their intention to renovate the house and put it up for sale. Building Inspector Wes Barone offered to provide the Griffins with phone numbers of potential buyers interested in purchasing the home as it stands.

Three locations advanced to the certificate of existence of a dangerous building due to insufficient progress. These are 510 East 17th Street, 308 Main Street, and 418 West 13th Court. Added to the declarations of a nuisance were 2105 Princeton Road and 2002 Lulu Street. Both are reportedly in need of garage repairs.

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