Trenton School District participates in the Mark Twain Invitational Marching Festival

Trenton R-9 School District
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A small number of schools participated in the inaugural Mark Twain Invitational Marching Festival on Saturday in the community of Center in northeast Missouri.

Trenton High School finished first in its class in parade judging and won both the visual and percussion components in its class of that event. Trenton was also first in its class in

Field Show and won the visual, Colorguard, and percussion components in that classification.

Trenton was the overall winner among all classes in the moving division of indoor percussion. Potosi was the overall Grand Champion of the event as well as taking the overall Parade and Field Champion category.

Trenton won the music component of the junior high parade competition and was second overall among the two bands competing in the junior high parade division.

Prior to the competition, the Midwest Marching website listed eight high schools and two junior high schools entered in the parade competition, plus two junior high bands in exhibition. Six bands were listed in the field show, plus one performing in the exhibition.

There were three schools in moving indoor percussion, including Trenton, three schools in standstill indoor percussion; four schools in moving indoor color guard, including Trenton, and two in standstill indoor color guard.

You can read the complete results of the Mark Twain Invitational Marching Festival by clicking HERE, which will open in a new browser window, or you may read the embedded PDF file below.


[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Mark Twain Invitational Marching Festival results”]

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