Trenton Rotary Club installs new officers, welcomes conservation agent AJ Musche

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Officers and board members were installed at the Thursday, June 28 meeting of the Trenton Rotary Club, held in the BTC Bank community room. The event also featured a program by newly appointed Grundy County Conservation Agent, AJ Musche.

Jackie Soptic presided over the meeting and conducted the installation. Dan Wilford gave the prayer, and Jeff Crowley served as the sergeant at arms.

Steve Taylor, the program chairman, introduced Musche. A native of southwest Missouri, Musche is the son of a highway patrol employee. After college, he attended the Missouri Department of Conservation Academy. Upon graduation, he was assigned to Grundy County, his first choice. He expressed appreciation for the community’s welcoming and supportive nature. Musche outlined his duties in enforcing state conservation regulations, including fishing and hunting. He reported one case of chronic wasting disease near Laredo last year and indicated ongoing efforts to monitor and prevent the spread of CWD. He also mentioned receiving one confirmed mountain lion sighting during his tenure. Musche advocates for youth outdoor involvement and collaborated with an FFA student on a winter trapping project. Additionally, he noted the presence of a local certified animal rehabilitation specialist who cares for injured wildlife such as squirrels and raccoons.

During the business meeting, Scott Sharp was installed as the new club president for the 2024-25 year, beginning July 1. Other officers include Kassie Hodge, president-elect; Elizabeth Gibson, secretary; and Cole Soptic, treasurer. The board members are Lauren Danner, Kristi Harris, Doug Tye, Chris Hoffman, Don Purkapile, LaTasha Cunningham, Elizabeth Gibson, and Brian Upton. Jackie Soptic will serve on the board as past president.


Rotary Officcers elected June 2024
( left, front row) secretary Elizabeth Gibson, board members LaTasha Cunningham and Kristi Harris; (back row) president Scott Sharp, treasurer Cole Soptic and board members Lauren Danner, Don Purkapile, and Doug Tye. (Not pictured) president-elect Kassie Hodge, past president Jackie Soptic, and board members Chris Hoffman and Brian Upton.


Members were asked to assist with placing U.S. flags at the courthouse on July 4. Flags will be put up at 7 a.m. and taken down at 5 p.m. Cole Soptic also presented an end-of-year financial report.

There will be no meeting on Thursday, July 4. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 11, at the BTC Bank community room, with Ryan Tepen and Kassie Hodge serving as program chairs.

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