Trenton Rotary Club discusses foundation and annual fund

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The Rotary Foundation and Rotary Annual Fund were topics of programs presented to the Trenton Rotary Club during meetings on Jan. 4 and Jan. 11 at the BTC Bank community room. Jackie Soptic presided at the meetings, Dan Wilford led the prayer, and Brian Upton served as the sergeant at arms.

On Jan. 4, District Foundation Chairman Marc Horner highlighted the significance of contributing to the Foundation, which supports Rotary International’s seven areas of focus: clean water and sanitation, women’s health and maternal care, basic education and literacy, disease prevention and treatment, peacebuilding and conflict resolution, environment, and community and economic development. District 6040, part of the Trenton Rotary Club, utilized funds from the Foundation for district grant projects in six communities. These projects included parks, a community garden, foster care groups, and a library. Global grants from the Foundation provided funding for a clean water project, a sewing center, and plumbing for a block-building structure. In 2021-22, District 6040 members contributed $437,384 to the Rotary Foundation.

On Jan. 11, Annual Fund Chairman Chinnery Valmassei discussed the Rotary Annual Fund’s process. Funds donated go to the Foundation, which then invests them for three years. The generated interest is split between the World Fund and the Rotary District Fund, with 47.5% allocated to each and 5% for administrative costs. In 2021-22, District 6040 received $142,500 from this investment, half of which funded district grants, while the other half supported global grants and/or scholarships. The local club has benefitted from these grants, receiving funds for a Bright Futures storage area at Rissler Elementary School and the purchase and installation of handicapped-accessible playground equipment at Eastside Park. Ms. Valmassei commended the club for its consistent contributions, highlighting its status as a 100% Paul Harris Club and its above-average district-per-member giving.

The program for the Jan. 18 meeting will be led by Beth Franklin, the District 6040 Grants Chairman. Don Purkapile and David Critten are the program chairpersons.


Charter Members at Trenton Rotary
Three members of the Trenton Rotary Club have been recognized as “charter members” of the District 6040 PolioPlus Society, supporting Rotary International’s efforts to eradicate polio throughout the world. They include, from left, Chris Hoffman, Phil Hoffman, and Don Purkapile.

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