Trenton rainfall was below normal while temperatures were slightly above average in September

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The September weather summary in Trenton shows below-normal rainfall and slightly above-average temperatures.

Rainfall in September totaled 2.51 inches at the water plant in western Trenton, 2.17 inches at the Barton Farm Campus at the southeast edge of Trenton, 1.89 inches at KTTN in downtown Trenton, and 1.68 inches at Grundy County Emergency Management Director Glen Brigg’s residence on east 5th Street in Trenton. The water plant takes the official precipitation and temperature readings for the National Weather Service.

The 2.51 inches in September at the water plant was 1.86 inches below normal, however, rainfall was spread out over the month with 68 hundredths measured September 3rd, 45 hundredths September 11th, 79 hundredths September 18th, six hundredths the following day, three-hundredths September 23rd, and one-half inch September 24th. September was the second month in a row in which below-normal rainfall was recorded in Trenton. The August rainfall of three and one-third inches (3.33 ) at the water plant was 1.21 inches below normal.

Trenton ended September with a year-to-date moisture deficit of 2.39 inches at the water plant.

Trenton began the so-called growing season on April 1st with an official year-to-date moisture surplus of 65 hundredths of an inch. During the period of April 1st through September 30th, Trenton had a moisture deficit of 3.04 inches at the water plant and a deficit of 4.87 inches at the Barton Farm Campus, however, there were no extremely long periods with little moisture. September was the driest month during the April through September period. All of the other months received more than three inches.

Temperatures last month in Trenton averaged 79 degrees for highs and 58 degrees for lows.

The highs averaged three-tenths of a degree above normal while the lows averaged one-and-one-half (1.5) degrees above normal. Highs reached the 90s just once during September in Trenton. It was 97 on September 20th which set a record high for that date. The 97 degree reading was Trenton’s warmest temperature of the year.

The coolest temperature during September in Trenton was 40 on September 29th.

The National Weather Service’s Climate Prediction Center, entering September, said above-normal temperatures were slightly favored for the month in this region. That turned out to be accurate.

The outlook for September precipitation was generally correct. The Climate Prediction Center had indicated below normal precipitation was slightly favored in September in the northern part of our listening area. Equal chances for above, below, or near normal rainfall were given in the southern part of our listening area for September. Precipitation was below normal in Trenton last month.

The outlook for October shows good chances for above-normal temperatures and below-normal precipitation in this region.

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