Trenton R-9 School District celebrates 78th Homecoming with week long list of activities

Trenton R-9 School District
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Trenton R-9 School District is celebrating its 78th Homecoming this year. The week of activities commemorating Homecoming will be held from September 19th through September 24th. The Homecoming Theme is Roadtrip. Trenton students can demonstrate school spirit from elementary school through high school.

The THS Student Council feels that school spirit should begin as early as Rissler and are encouraging all students and faculty from all of the buildings to actively participate in carrying on the spirit of the 78th Homecoming.

Spirit Week will begin on Monday with dressing in PJs. Tuesday is Preppy Attire Day. Wednesday is Beach Attire Day, Thursday is Hippie Day, and Friday will be Black Out Day, where we will wear traditional black clothing.

The traditional pep Rally will be held Wednesday, September 1st at 7:00 p.m. at C.F. Russell Stadium. During the Pep Rally, to celebrate Homecoming, queens from the past years will be introduced and escorted down the track by a current football player. The guest speaker will be Delores Kuttler. Mrs. Kuttler has taught in the Trenton R9 School District for 12 years and coached wrestling for 13 years.

All fall sports teams will be introduced and the coronation of King and Queen and the court to follow. Prior to the King and Queen being announced, former Homecoming queens will be escorted by the senior football players. The school district feels very honored to have the return

Candidates for Homecoming queen are seniors Lydia Leininger, Eliana Cowling, and Kelsey Gibler. Senior King Candidates are Trent Villacampa, Tucker Otto, and Tim Kempton. Junior attendants are Seanacie Ireland and Gavin Cagle. Sophomore attendants are Trisha Peterson and Hunter Smith. Freshman attendants are Kinsley Otto and Cooper Houser. The Prince and Princess of Homecoming are Elsie Wyant daughter of Ethan and Tasha Wyant and Jack Hainey, son of Bobby and Josh Hainey.

School will dismiss early on Friday, September 23th at 1:07 for the parade, which will begin from the high school parking lot at 2:00. Being honored for their many years of dedication to the Trenton R9 School District is Grand Marshall Delores Kuttler. The parade route will be from the high school parking lot, north on Normal Street, west of 17th Street, south on Harris Avenue, East on 9th Street to Hardees, and back to the high school parking lot.

Prior to the kick-off Friday night, the Queen and King along with their court will be introduced. The girls will be escorted down the 50-yard line by their fathers. Assisting with the introductions will be the THS Marching Band, under the direction of Mr. Webb, and the THS Colorguard, under Mrs. Gibler. The pre-game activities will begin at 6:30, with royalty being introduced and escorted across the field. Kick-off is at 7:00.

On Saturday the dance will be held from 8-11 p.m. at the high school gymnasium. Keithly Studios be available to take pictures that the students may purchase.

The student council would like to thank everyone that participates and assists in preparing for this event.

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