Trenton R-9 Board sets tax rate, approves lunch prices and graduation date

Trenton R-9 School District
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The Trenton R-9 Board of Education set its tax rate on August 14. The rate was established at $4.5307 per $100 of assessed valuation, an increase of 0.09 cents from the prior year.

The rate consists of $3.6307 for the incidental fund and 90 cents for the debt service. The incidental fund amount increased by 0.09 cents from last year, while the debt service remained unchanged.

The estimated adjusted assessed valuation on which tax revenue is based for the current tax year is $84,062,761, an increase of $849,939 from the previous tax year. New construction and improvements included in the assessed valuation for the current tax year total $797,994.

Assuming 100% collection, the amount of property tax revenues budgeted includes $3,052,108 for the incidental fund and $756,565 for the debt service, totaling $3,808,672, which is an increase of $39,298 from the calculated property tax revenue of the prior year.

Total new revenue is budgeted at $31,649.

The board approved a change to long-term substitute pay as recommended by Superintendent Daniel Gott. The change allows anyone serving as a long-term substitute with a valid Missouri teacher certification to earn the hourly rate of the base salary during their time as a substitute. This amount equates to $110 per day.

Gott mentioned that the change is intended to attract more individuals to substitute, noting that being a long-term substitute involves substantial work.

He reported that long-term substitute pay had previously been on a tiered system, with the last tier near the base salary. While this was beneficial, the district faced challenges in finding long-term substitutes.

A long-term substitute is someone who covers for a teacher for an extended period, as predetermined by the administration. Only teacher-certified substitutes are used for these long-term positions.

The board approved lunch prices for the 2024-2025 school year. Student lunch prices will increase by 10 cents to $3.10 for high school and middle school students and $3 for Rissler Elementary School students. The reduced price for student lunches remains at 40 cents.

Student breakfast prices will increase by 25 cents to $2.50 at Trenton High School (THS), Trenton Middle School (TMS), and Rissler. The reduced price for student breakfasts will be 30 cents.

Adult lunch prices will increase by 50 cents to $4.50, and adult breakfast prices will increase by 25 cents to $2.75.

A la carte milk will increase by five cents to 45 cents.

The district had to meet a weighted average price requirement of $3.07 per paid lunch meal. Breakfast and adult lunch prices were also increased to offset food service costs incurred by the district for everyday operations and to comply with Department of Elementary and Secondary Education regulations.

The board approved the graduation date for THS. Graduation will be held at C. F. Russell Stadium on May 10 at 7:30 p.m.

The board selected Robin Chambers to fill the remainder of the term left vacant by Jeff Spencer’s resignation. Chambers was chosen from three candidates on a vote of four in favor and two opposed. Board Members Andy Burress, Dorothy Taul, Melissa King, and Brandon Gibler voted yes, while Bill Miller and Ronda Lickteig voted no. The vote followed a motion by Burress, seconded by Taul. This was the second vote taken on the board vacancy.

The other two candidates were Amy May and Amy Guthrie.

Taul initially moved to have May fill the vacancy, but the motion died due to a lack of a second.

Lickteig then moved to have Guthrie fill the vacancy, seconded by Miller. The vote resulted in a three-to-three tie. Gibler, Burress, and Taul voted no, while Miller, Lickteig, and King voted yes.

Each candidate was allowed to address the board for three minutes. May and Guthrie spoke in person, while Chambers participated by phone as she was working at the Missouri State Fair.

Board President Gibler noted that Gott had sent board members the candidates’ applications before the meeting.

Spencer’s resignation was effective July 1. Chambers will serve in the position until April.

A Missouri School Boards Association update was approved. Gott reported that most of the policies and procedures included in the update involved changes in explanation or verbiage based on new laws.

The update covered policies and procedures related to student transportation services, public gifts to schools, student records, enrollment eligibility, school admissions, ceremonies and observances, criminal background checks, memorials on facilities and grounds, setting tuition for district programs, and closed meetings, records, and votes. Other changes involved policies and procedures concerning the assessment program; promotion, acceleration, and retention of students; non-traditional instruction options; extended instructional programs; and instructional interventions.

The board readopted the Conflict of Interest Ordinance. Gott reported that Trenton R-9 is using the Missouri School Boards Association’s (MSBA) policy, which also includes financial disclosure.

The board adopted the 2024 Missouri State Plan for Special Education and Local Compliance Plan. Gott noted that Trenton R-9 uses the state plan to ensure district compliance.

The Annual Secretary of the Board Report was approved. Gott reported that it serves as a financial summary of the year.

After a closed session, it was announced that resignations were accepted from TMS Administrative Assistant Jamie Anderson and Rissler Administrative Assistant Dylan Sanchez.

New hires included Greg Dalrymple for THS Student Council, Sarah Pauley for THS Key Club, Salem Croy as THS 11th-grade class sponsor, Nancy Clark as a TMS administrative assistant, Jasmine Allen as Rissler yearbook sponsor, Dana Creason as a part-time library media center assistant, and Sonci Jones as a part-time library media center assistant. Additional hires were Mercedes West as a third-grade special education teacher, Genevieve Blair-Dyer and Gillian Eckert as Rissler paraprofessionals, Wendy Poe as a TMS paraprofessional, Emily McCullough as a Title I Rissler paraprofessional, Kelly Brinkley as a Rissler administrative assistant, Laurie Bonta for THS Color Guard, Shanin Parks for TMS boys track, Chandler Lynch as a THS softball volunteer assistant coach, and Kendall Crowley as a THS tennis volunteer assistant coach.

Twenty-six substitutes were approved for August, and eight students were approved for early graduation.

Trenton R-9 Superintendent Daniel Gott discussed exit interview data at the Board of Education meeting on August 14. He interviewed staff members who were leaving the district, although he noted that he did not get to interview some staff members who had late resignations.

When asked why staff members were leaving, reasons included location and family concerns, financial reasons, the work environment, job security and role value, and health and personal reasons. Positive feedback about the district included a supportive and collaborative environment, strong teamwork and relationships, a student-centric approach, effective communication, quality curriculum, and systems, a positive work environment, benefits, facilities, and the district’s people and culture. Departing staff members suggested improvements in areas such as teaching practices, student behavior management, community and collaboration, leadership, facilities and resources, communication, testing and standards, and accountability.

When asked if they felt supported by the administration, Gott reported that positive feedback included general support and effective leadership. Some negative feedback highlighted confusing communication and a perceived lack of engagement.

Positive descriptions of the culture within their buildings included a comfortable environment and a positive atmosphere. Negatives mentioned discipline problems and toxic elements.

Gott compiled the exit interview summary on August 14, noting that any reason mentioned more than once was included. He assured the board that members would receive specific details.

Gott emphasized that the administration takes the feedback seriously, particularly noting that communication is a recurring topic for improvement.

Rissler Elementary School Counselor Christy Grissom introduced therapy dog Zoe and gave a presentation on therapy dog training and how Zoe will be utilized at the school.

Grissom selected Dog Training Elite of Kansas City for Zoe’s training, and Zoe has achieved the status of a canine good citizen. Grissom and Zoe completed the training together, which included dealing with aggressive situations.

Grissom explained that there are numerous benefits to having a therapy dog. She mentioned that Zoe would not be present at the school at the beginning of the year to allow time for safety lessons about dogs. As this is a new initiative, Grissom expects the program to expand over time.

Counselors at THS and TMS are considering the possibility of bringing Zoe to their buildings as well.

Zoe is a Cavapoo, a breed that is part poodle, which contributes to her being more hypoallergenic. Grissom described Zoe as well-behaved and possessing a great personality.

Grissom mentioned that there is a Facebook page dedicated to Zoe.

She added that Brookfield has at least one therapy dog and that therapy dogs are becoming increasingly common.

Gott reported that local first responders met on August 12 for a walkthrough to familiarize themselves with Trenton R-9 buildings. Although the fire department typically participates, they had to respond to a fire during that time.

Gott noted that intruder training with staff is scheduled for August 16.

He provided updates on bond issue projects, mentioning that the TMS roof is complete, and the building remained dry after heavy rain. The THS roof work will begin next week and will be conducted at night for approximately two weeks.

HVAC controls are currently being worked on, and while there have been some challenges, Gott stated that the situation is improving daily. The project is expected to be completed in September.

HVAC units are anticipated to arrive around October, with work planned to occur on weekends.

Gott reported that phones are now operational with a new number and that the transition has been mostly smooth. Calls can now be transferred between buildings.

A door project is scheduled for next summer, and Gott noted that the money for that project would be invested in the meantime.

Roof work at Rissler, funded by insurance, has also been completed.

Gott discussed the upcoming minimum salary change to $40,000 next year, estimating the cost at $750,000, with $430,000 in new state funding expected next year.

He noted that the district has options and is exploring ways to achieve the $40,000 minimum salary. Gott has already begun considering next year’s budget due to this change.

Gott added that while Trenton R-9’s fund balance looks good currently, it will temporarily appear unfavorable until local money is received in December.

Director of Academics Dr. Johannah Baugher reported that the majority of the curriculum is completed and will be accessible on the Trenton R-9 website, allowing anyone in the district to review it.

Baugher mentioned that there are about 28 participants in the four-year mentoring program.

Mentor training took place on August 13, new staff orientation occurred on August 14, and the all-employee convocation is scheduled for August 15. Baugher reported that there are 32 new staff members, both certified and non-certified. Daryl Williams Jr. will deliver the convocation speech.

Building-level professional development is planned for August 16, with preschool through 12th-grade paraprofessional training on August 19.

Baugher shared her schedule for the 2024-2025 school year. She will be at the district office on Monday and Friday, at Rissler on Tuesday and Thursday, and at TMS and THS on Wednesday.

Building principals also provided updates.

Rissler Principal Wade Proffitt reported that August 14 was a successful day for welcoming new staff members.

TMS Principal Mike Hostetter acknowledged the custodians for having the building in good condition, noting the replacement of multiple ceiling tiles. He expressed gratitude for the new TMS roof, which has not leaked.

Hostetter reported that 313 students were officially enrolled at TMS as of Wednesday evening, August 14.

THS Principal Chris Hodge reported that 321 students were enrolled at THS as of August 14 at noon. He mentioned that about 130 students are involved in Missouri State High School Activities Association activities, representing approximately 40% of the student body.

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