Trenton Postmaster: “For those that receive mail by box, the post office box number is required on mail”

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People receiving their mail at a post office box in Trenton will need to have the post office box number on the mail to have it placed in the box.

According to postmaster Brandon Sorrentino, the mail is to be addressed to the recipient at the post office box number, Trenton, Missouri 64683. Mail with a street address will not be put in the box unless the post office box number is also on the mail. If the mail shows just a street address, it will be delivered to the street address. If there’s no mailbox at the street address, it’s to be returned to the sender.

Residents are being given until January 31, 2023, to make arrangements to ensure the mail is addressed correctly. Sorrentino said the policy should have been in place all along and noted mail typically arrives at a post office box faster than at a residential or business address.

Those with a post office box also have access to their mail 24 hours a day, seven days a week, however, there is a charge to rent a post office box.

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