Trenton Police Department reports 22 nuisance incidents reported in 2023

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Six nuisance incidents were filed in Trenton from March 27th to April 24th. The Trenton Police Department reports 22 total incidents for the year so far. That is eight less than the number reported from January through April 25th, 2022.

A nuisance summary shows the greatest number of complaints for this year involved trash and debris with 15. The other seven involved unregistered vehicles.

Twelve incidents are active, eight have been cleared, and three have been prosecuted. There are two nuisance-related cases on the court docket.

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Jennifer Thies

Jennifer’s interest in radio began at a young age. She started as a news reporter at KTTN in January 2017, but previously worked almost a year and a half as an on-air announcer and with news at the NPR affiliate KXCV/KRNW, which serves Northwest Missouri. Jennifer was born and raised in St. Joseph, Missouri. She received a Bachelor of Science in Mass Media: Broadcast Production with an Emphasis in Audio Production from Northwest Missouri State University in Maryville.