Trenton Police Department records 140 nuisance incidents in 2023

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The Trenton Police Department reports 140 nuisance incidents have been reported for the year so far, as of November 27th. This is six more than what was reported up to October 23rd and 54 fewer than what was reported from January to November 28th, 2022.

In a detailed nuisance summary, the highest number of complaints this year involved grass and weeds, with a total of 61 incidents. Close behind, there were 55 complaints related to trash and debris. Additionally, the report highlighted 17 incidents regarding unregistered vehicles and seven concerning the open storage of disabled vehicles.

Regarding the resolution of these incidents, 19 were still active, 87 had been cleared by the department, and 34 had reached the stage of prosecution. The Trenton Police Department also noted that there were five nuisance-related cases currently present on the court docket.

This year’s statistics show a notable decline in nuisance incidents compared to the same period in 2022.

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