Trenton Police confirm door-to-door salesperson has proper permits

Trenton Missouri Police Department (TPD)
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The Trenton Police Department has confirmed that a door-to-door salesperson currently operating in the area has obtained the necessary permits from Trenton City Hall and has notified the police of his intentions.

Marko Krund, originally from Estonia, is selling educational learning system books for Southwestern Advantage in the Trenton area as part of his summer internship.

The Trenton Police Department advises that residents should always feel free to inquire about the identity and credentials of any door-to-door solicitor to ensure their safety and security.


Trenton Police and Marko Krund
Marko Krund from Estonia representing Southwestern Advantage. Marko will be in the Trenton area selling educational learning system books for Southwestern Advantage. This program is part of his summer internship. (Photo: Trenton police Facebook page) (Click or tap to enlarge photo)

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