Trenton Planning & Zoning Board approves property subdivision and Taco Bell sign

Planning and zoning
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The Trenton Board of Adjustments met to consider a request from Taco Bell, represented by Roderick Sign, for a 20-foot variance on the required 20-foot height for a free-standing Class C Type 3 sign. The sign is to be installed on property located at 1909 E 9th Street. Scott Roderick was present at the meeting. Following a brief discussion, a motion was made to approve the request from Taco Bell, and the motion carried with a 4-0 vote. Michael Ormsby was absent from the meeting.

In a subsequent Planning & Zoning meeting, a request from Lynn Davenport was heard regarding a minor subdivision. The request aimed to split the property located at 1823 E 9th St into three parcels. Although Mrs. Davenport was not present, the board held a brief discussion and subsequently approved the request. The motion carried with a 6-0 vote, with Michael Ormsby again absent.

Due to Labor Day falling on the scheduled meeting night, the next meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 3.

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