Trenton Planning and Zoning Commission approves all requests at Monday meeting

Planning and zoning
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Approval has been recommended on three requests heard Monday night by the Trenton Planning and Zoning Commission. Each request advances in the form of an ordinance to be considered by the Trenton City Council.

This includes a minor subdivision for 1810 Merrill Street as requested by Realtor Wayne King in care of North Central Missouri College.

Novus AG received an approval recommendation on its request for a conditional use permit for construction of a building (175 feet by 80 feet) to store agricultural chemicals at 915 B Shanklin which is just north of their current location.

On a split vote, the planning and zoning commission recommends approval of a conditional use permit for GFG Inland Elevator and Grain to allow the company to construct a (20 by 40 foot) building and an outdoor (70 feet) scale at 308 Johnson Drive in Trenton.

One resident, who described himself as a neighbor to the proposed location, expressed his concern that large trucks may have trouble with the turn around planned there.

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