Trenton Municipal Utilities releases annual water quality report for 2023

Trenton Water Treatment Plant
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Trenton Municipal Utilities has released its 2023 Annual Water Quality Report, which provides crucial information regarding the city’s drinking water. This report is part of an ongoing effort to ensure the safety and quality of water supplied to residents.

Trenton’s drinking water is sourced from the Thompson River, a surface water body. The Missouri Department of Natural Resources (DNR) conducted a source water assessment to identify potential contaminants in the water supply. This assessment involved mapping the source water area and inventorying potential threats. Detailed information and assessment maps are available online.

Contaminants in Drinking Water

The presence of contaminants in drinking water is not unusual and does not necessarily indicate a health risk. Common contaminants can include microbial substances, inorganic chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, organic chemicals, and radioactive materials. These contaminants may come from various sources such as agriculture, urban runoff, industrial activities, and natural processes.

Regulatory Compliance

Trenton Municipal Utilities operates under stringent regulations set by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. The water system, identified by the ID number MO2010796, is regularly tested to ensure compliance with safety standards. In 2023, the system did not violate any state drinking water regulations.

The report provides detailed testing results for various contaminants. For instance, the highest level of Atrazine, a herbicide runoff, detected was 0.33 ppb, well below the maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 3 ppb. Other contaminants like Barium and Fluoride were also within safe limits. Disinfection byproducts such as Haloacetic Acids (HAA5) and Total Trihalomethanes (TTHM) were found at levels well below their respective MCLs.

Lead and Copper Notice

Trenton Municipal Utilities also addressed concerns about lead and copper. Elevated levels of lead can pose health risks, especially for pregnant women and young children. The utility company advises residents to flush their taps for a few minutes if water has been stagnant for several hours. Information on reducing lead exposure is available through the EPA’s Safe Drinking Water Hotline.

Trenton Municipal Utilities remains committed to providing high-quality drinking water and maintaining transparency with the public through detailed annual reports. The 2023 report underscores the efforts made to safeguard public health and comply with regulatory standards.

The complete report can be read by clicking on or tapping on this link.

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