Trenton Mayor addresses Convention and Visitors Bureau on wayfinding signs priority

Trenton Convention and Visitors Bureau website
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At the recent meeting of the Trenton Convention and Visitors Bureau, held on June 12, Mayor Jackie Soptic addressed the board, emphasizing the importance of the wayfinding sign project. The project has been identified as a top priority, with bids for the signs expected to be solicited soon.

Mayor Soptic also highlighted the necessity for a community-based 501(c)(3) organization. She inquired about the bureau’s plans to hire a director or establish a visitors center. The board engaged in discussions regarding the capacity requirements for hiring an employee, noting that a potential candidate should have a marketing background to address the bureau’s primary needs. Additionally, the board mentioned that a review of the bylaws would be necessary to determine if funds could be allocated for administrative costs.

The overarching goal of the bureau is to optimize the use of funds to increase foot traffic to Trenton. While the board acknowledged that having a staff member could expand the scope of their work, it is not feasible at this time but may be considered in the future.

The bureau approved a $100 donation to support the Alumni Weekend Car Show, scheduled to be held at Eastside Park on August 31.

In other business, the board reviewed the design of rack cards and requested revisions to reduce the text due to size constraints. They also proposed changing a few photos to better reflect community events. Distribution strategies for the rack cards at Missouri’s welcome centers were also discussed.

Discussions continued regarding the marketing package and ticket giveaway for the Mid-America Music Festival. The board plans to follow up with Johnny Lightning Strikes Again to ensure marketing efforts are reaching audiences outside Trenton.

A social media update was provided during the meeting.

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