Trenton man charged with misuse of 911

Charges Filed
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Charges have been filed against a Trenton resident following his arrest by police on Thursday.

Twenty-nine-year-old Steven Kyle Johnson is charged with alleged misuse of the 911 emergency number as well as resisting arrest by fleeing. Johnson also has been served with a probation violation warrant.

Johnson is accused on Thursday of making repeated phone calls to 911 regarding what police said were non-emergency situations. When Officers Luke Dapra and Keith Edmondson went to arrest him, Johnson allegedly fled and is accused of using physical force. Bond on the misdemeanor charges is $3,000 cash with Johnson scheduled for the May 12th associate circuit court.

On the probation violation, Steven Johnson is to be in division one of the circuit court on April 20th. That bond is $2,500 or posting ten percent is to be allowed along with special conditions. His original Grundy County charge that led to probation was the possession of a controlled substance.

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