Trenton High School names top graduates at May 11 ceremony

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Trenton High School announced its top two graduating seniors during the commencement on May 11. The valedictorian, Aubree Dalrymple, and the salutatorian, Nathan Stark, both delivered speeches at the ceremony.

Nathan Stark urged his fellow graduates to discover and cultivate a strong sense of self.



Stark also emphasized the importance of applying oneself fully in all endeavors and living in the moment.

Aubree Dalrymple, quoting Colin Powell, stated that there are no secrets to success. According to her, success stems from thorough preparation, diligent work, and learning from failures.

Dalrymple highlighted the importance of striking a balance between being well-prepared and avoiding procrastination. She mentioned that everyone has only 100% of their energy and focus to give.



Dalrymple also encouraged the graduates to acknowledge their accomplishments and celebrate even the small victories.

The ceremony also recognized thirteen seniors as honor graduates.

Both the THS senior class and faculty selected a staff member to honor during the May 11 ceremony. The faculty honored Charlie Bacon, while the seniors chose Derek Bloom as the first to congratulate the graduating class.

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