Trenton High School Drama Club to perform “Showdown at the Hoedown” in Performing Arts Center

Photo of Trenton High School building with the sign "Trenton High School" or THS
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The Trenton High School drama club, THS Gilded, will perform a melodrama of a hoedown in the Wild West.

“Showdown at the Hoedown”will be at the Trenton Performing Arts Center on December 2nd at 7 pm. Drama Club Sponsor Tashyana Dowell says the play is about a town with hopes of being progressive hiring the first lady sheriff west of the Mississippi. “Crazy things” happen, and the sheriff is not who she says she is.

General admission for “Showdown at the Hoedown” on December 2nd will cost $8 for adults and $6 for students and children. Tickets will not be sold.

Contact Dowell for more information at

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