Trenton City Council, Economic Development and Administrative committees to meet November 13

City of Trenton website updated June 2023
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The Trenton Economic Development and Administrative committees will meet before the Trenton City Council on November 13. The meetings will take place at Trenton City Hall.

The Economic Development Committee will discuss a potential economic development tax at 5:30 p.m. There will also be a discussion on future site plans with the Fair Board.

The Administrative Committee will address the establishment of a Police Advisory Board and Public Safety Committee at 6 p.m. The committee will also talk about the demolition program.

The Trenton City Council is set to consider two ordinances on November 13 at 7 p.m. One ordinance would approve a contract for residential solid waste collection with Rapid Removal Disposal. The other would ratify a grant agreement with the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission for financial support under the State Block Grant Program for a hangar replacement project.

Additional items on the agenda include debates over an electric rate hike, an economic sales tax, regulations on truck parking along Shanklin Avenue, a call for bids on asphalt sand and rock, and a nomination to the Convention and Visitors Bureau Board. A closed session is also scheduled to address legal issues.

The Trenton City Council meeting on November 13 will be accessible via Zoom at this link.

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