Trenton City Council to review two ordinances on March 25

City of Trenton website updated June 2023
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The Trenton City Council will consider two ordinances involving proposals at their next meeting. The council will convene at Trenton City Hall on March 25 at 7 p.m. The meeting will also be accessible via Zoom.

One ordinance under consideration is a proposal from Smico Contracting Group for the reconstruction of the Pauper Grade Road sewer lift station. The second ordinance concerns a proposal from the Howe Company, aimed at applying to a Missouri Department of Transportation Transportation Alternatives Program Grant along 16th Street.

Additional agenda items include mowing bids for city-owned lots and the cemetery, the abandonment of sidewalks on 15th Street and Tindall Avenue, and an appointment to the Park Board.

A closed session to discuss legal and personnel matters is also scheduled for the March 25 Trenton City Council meeting.

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