Trenton City Council to review ordinances relating to agreements for concrete work

City of Trenton website updated June 2023
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The Trenton City Council will hold a public hearing on the tax levy during its meeting on August 28. The council will convene at Trenton City Hall that night at 7 p.m. The meeting will also be available on Zoom.

The proposed tax rate for 2023 is $1.1886 per $100 of assessed valuation. An ordinance on the agenda will set the rate of the levy on real estate and personal property within the city.

The agenda will also feature two ordinances that would approve agreements. One agreement will be with Shuler Concrete and Construction for concrete work at the airport and fire station. The other agreement will be with Grand River Concrete for concrete work at the warehouse and sewer plant.

Other items on the agenda for the August 28 Trenton City Council meeting include approval of an asbestos abatement contractor bid, demolition by Trenton Municipal Utilities at 1013 Tindall Avenue, and plans for 2023 demolition.

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