Trenton City Council table “right of way” agreement with MoDOT, discuss generation of power at Monday meeting

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The Trenton City Council on Monday night tabled an ordinance, approved a resolution, accepted a bid, and agreed to buy a riding lawnmower locally. More details also were presented on TMU’s use of diesel generators during the cold weather.

The council voted to table a “right of way” agreement between the city of Trenton and the Missouri Department of Transportation. The council directed City Administrator Ron Urton to write a letter to MoDOT to identify locations of the resurfacing done last fall on 9th Street which are described as “coming apart”. Thus the city will wait on MoDOT, and the project’s general contractor, to address the issues.

Then the city council will again consider the ordinance on the right of way agreement in which the city assumes street maintenance on Oklahoma Avenue from 9th Street to 28th Street as well as East 28th Street and Princeton Road, extending to just past 21st Street. That’s a portion of Business 65, East 28th Street, and Princeton Road.

In his report and response to questions from the council, Utility Director Ron Urton said he doesn’t expect utility rates to go up because of the electrical usage during extremely cold weather. In fact, the Missouri Public Utility Alliance will credit Trenton an unknown amount for TMU’s operation of its diesel generators. As stated last week, Trenton was asked by the public energy pool to generate electricity as there was a need for extra power. When the generators ran at the north substation, Trenton’s peak usage reached 14.8 megawatts. (One megawatt equals a million watts) Over the span of three days, Monday through Wednesday of last week, Urton said 30,000 gallons of diesel fuel were used along with $3,500 worth of oil. Tankers delivered fuel five times. When the generators were in use, they consumed about 1,000 gallons per hour.

Since Trenton was asked to generate power, Urton noted the Missouri Public Utility Alliance will reimburse Trenton for the expense of the products used, allowing TMU to what he called “break-even” on costs. Urton also noted TMU is compensated with $13,000 a month for keeping the diesel generators on standby to generate power. That money is used for maintenance.

Approval was given to a resolution allowing the city of Trenton to adopt Grundy County’s Hazard Mitigation plan. In part, the plan identifies mitigation goals and actions to reduce or eliminate long risks to people and property from impacts of future hazards and disasters including flooding. It’s a FEMA-approved plan. Councilman Glen Briggs, who’s Emergency Management Director for Grundy County, explained every taxing jurisdiction has to adopt the hazard mitigation plan to be eligible for federal funding in the event of a disaster.

The city council accepted a bid for advanced metering infrastructure: electric and water. The bid from Anixter/Tantalus tops $402,600. Another $31,464 is the annual cost for the company to provide customer support, maintenance, and hosting.

Since the city has about $10,000 remaining in federal CARES act money from a $20,000 grant for use at the Trenton airport, the council authorized the purchase of a Grasshopper mower from Barnes Baker Automotive. Urton said the cost, using a state bid, is $9,775. The new mower will replace an older one.

The city council then went into executive session for legal purposes.

Seven members of the city council attended the meeting in person or online via zoom. Kevin Klinginsmith was absent.

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