Trenton City Council rescinds decision, rejects Mercer County 911 services

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The Trenton City Council convened Monday evening to address a legal matter. Upon returning to an open session, City Administrator Ron Urton announced two motions.

Councilman Glen Briggs made a motion to rescind a decision from the June 24 meeting, which requested a council meeting with the Mercer County Sheriff concerning 911 dispatching services. This motion passed.

Additionally, Councilman Dave Mlika made a motion, which was also approved, for the city of Trenton not to enter into an agreement with Mercer County regarding 911 dispatching services.

When the KTTN reporter departed the public meeting, guests present included the police chief and the lead dispatcher at the law enforcement office.

Currently, dispatching services for Mercer County are handled by Harrison County. However, it was reported last month by a Trenton councilman that the Mercer County Sheriff’s Department was considering other options.

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