Trenton City Council meeting report for Monday, February 27, 2023

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A construction bid was accepted and one policy was approved during last night’s meeting of the Trenton City Council.

The TMU warehouse building will be constructed in an empty lot near 26th and Oklahoma Avenue. The council accepted the low bid among the five received. The construction was awarded to Build N Trust Company LLC in the name of Emanuel Hostetler of Trenton. Their bid was $186,198. That includes all materials, equipment, and labor to construct the building.

Bids from four others were at $200,000 and above. Specifications include the building will be of a wood pole frame with a concrete pier foundation. It’s to be 50 by 120 feet and 16 feet tall so it’ll accommodate five overhead doors. City Administrator Ron Urton said all three departments of TMU,  electric, water, and sewer, will use the building for storage of equipment and machinery. He also noted the bid was less than the budgeted amount.

The policy that was approved deals with disconnection of utilities once a building has received certification for declaration of a dangerous building and the document was filed with the deed at the courthouse. The building and nuisance board has a four-step process for declaring a structure as a dangerous building. But the utility disconnect policy also applies in case of major damage due to fire, wind, or a roof collapse. The policy allows TMU to proceed with disconnecting electric power at the transformer, water from either the main or a meter pit, and the sewer connection at the main. New connections would be at the owner’s expense and meet TMU policies and building codes.

Both the warehouse construction bid and the TMU disconnect policy were approved by the seven councilmen participating in the meeting. (Five were at City Hall and two were on Zoom)

Also presented for council consideration was a written policy on electric service connections. The standard policy for residential homes and commercial and industrial businesses was reviewed. But after discussion, the policy was tabled to further explore the impact on mobile homes and recreational vehicle parks.

Councilman Marvin Humphreys recommended the appointment of Jenn Hottes to the Trenton convention and visitors bureau board and that was approved. She fills an unexpired term of Micah Landes who resigned from the board.

The council had a brief discussion on a notice from the Green Hills Animal Shelter regarding a new fee to house animals brought in by the city. Effective April 1si, the fee will be moving to $30 per day per animal. The notice stated the Green Hills Animal Shelter will operate in the same manner as it has in the past in accordance with the last signed agreement between the city and the animal shelter.

The only difference is the increase in the daily fee. There were indications last night that the animal shelter topic may be on a future city council agenda.

Absent from the city council meeting last night was Duane Urich.

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