Trenton City Council adopts employee grade scale, merit/service table

City of Trenton website updated June 2023
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On a split vote, the Trenton City Council adopted an employee grade scale and merit/years of service table Monday night. The purpose is to establish a minimum starting wage for each position within the city and Trenton Municipal Utilities. It provides guidance on future wage increases due to promotion or years of service. The document has undergone several reviews and updates since it was first presented. The council adopted the document on a vote of four in favor and three against. In favor were Glen Briggs, Tim Meinecke, Duane Urich, and John Dolan. Opposed were Lou Fisher, Marvin Humphreys, and David Mlika. Councilman Calvin Brown was absent.

Mlika questioned why the city clerk and the TMU controller are listed in different grade levels, although he feels both handle financial matters for their organization. Briggs asked whether the council could afford to do this. Mayor Jackie Soptic responded with a question, asking whether the council could afford not to do it. Meinecke noted the intent of the document is not to state a promise, as higher wages are based on available funding. Figures provided by City Administrator Ron Urton show the wage scale, based on current employees, involves increases in salaries plus benefits amounting to $78,500 for the city and $111,600 for TMU.

The document noted promotions and raises for existing employees will be evaluated on an individual basis and be approved by the city administrator. The policy provides guidance for some typical situations but is not all-inclusive for situations that may arise as the grade and years of service table is implemented.

The city council also took action on several other matters at the meeting. Among them were a pair of six-to-one votes with Briggs voting no. Approval was given to decline offers from Verizon and continue with a multi-year rent agreement for the antenna lease at the Princeton Road water tower. Per an agreement that began in 2005, the city will receive Verizon rent of $1,024 per month for the next five years. Briggs noted the large-scale sites are diminishing. City Attorney Kenton Kinney reported the city adopted small cell attachment agreements to be negotiated.

Mayor Soptic appointed, with council consent, three individuals to the park board, three to the building and nuisance board, and two for the airport advisory board. For the park board, Chris Mengel, Cliff Harris, and Mary Peterson were appointed. For the building and nuisance board, Vicki Meservey, Sarah Maloney, and Mitch Dougan were appointed. For the airport board, Steve Hammond and Cody McCollum were appointed. Briggs had voted no on appointments to the building and nuisance board.

Low bids were accepted for asbestos inspections and housing demolitions. Building Inspector Wes Barone said individual bids will be presented to approximately seven residential owners to see if they wish to participate. Red Rock of Kidder was selected for asbestos inspection at a rate of $325 per house, plus samples. Tony Truitt Dirt Works of Linneus was selected for housing demolition work with a cumulative bid of $49,000. There were four bidders for asbestos inspection and for demolition plus cleanup at selected locations.

Mid Continental Restoration was approved for waterproofing work at City Hall. The contract for up to $12,000 is for the company to provide urethane crack injections as moisture is noticed in the basement after heavy rains.

A trencher for the TMU electric department will be purchased from Vermeer Equipment of Des Moines for $92,500. Smico Contracting Group was selected for sewer cleaning and camera inspections of sewer lines at selected locations. The cost, including base and alternate bids, is nearly $60,000. One other bid was received. Approval was given for the fire department to purchase a three-inch fire hose from Sentinel Emergency Solutions for $13,000. Two other bids were received.

The electric department will sell a 2007 F-150 pickup truck for $2 to be used by the police, replacing the 2002 “Pup” truck. It’s to be put on Purple Wave.

By ordinance, the council ratified recommendations from the Planning and Zoning Commission that denied requests from Jason Lassiter for re-zoning and a minor subdivision with the vacant lot in the southwest corner of Eastgate Shopping Center.

The council approved an ordinance that ratifies an amendment to the Trenton personnel manual regarding the employment of relatives on a case-by-case basis.

Urton mentioned Jason Shuler was contacted and used “flow fill” in a void that caused concrete to settle at 10th and Main – the corner of Sesquicentennial Park.

The city council also went into executive session for personnel.

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