Trenton City Administrator reports on asphalt sales, replacement of water meters and water treatment plant modifications

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Sales are occurring at the city of Trenton asphalt plant.

City Administrator Ron Urton told the council Monday night that approximately 1,200 tons of asphalt has been sold for $81.25 per ton. Sand has been delivered to the plant located at the street department area off 16th Street. The city is waiting on a quarry to crush rock per the contract, but in the meantime, they are using the rock stockpile.

Urton reported milling of certain streets in Trenton will start the week of May 23rd.

Urton said crews continue with the replacement of water meters but progress is slowing because of supply and delivery issues. The underground crew is working on the water main replacement on 17th Street between Pleasant Plain and Princeton Road.

An engineer has started survey work for a water main project at 10th and Oklahoma as well as the Pleasant Plain sewer. Urton reported a new water main has been installed and functioning for the sewer plant. They are waiting on a four-inch water meter and the final cleanup of the site.

Plans and specifications are being finalized for the modifications at the water treatment plant’s clarifier. Information will be sent to the Department of Natural Resources for review before the period opens for companies to bid on the project.

Urton reported a TMU lineman has taken a job with another utility so the city is advertising to fill the position.

Preliminary design work has begun for the next capital improvement at the Trenton airport which is expected to involve runway work. Exterior painting has been completed on the city-owned building at the airport.

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