Trenton Chamber of Commerce banquet honoring businesses and organizations set for June 4

Trenton Chamber of Commerce
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The pandemic-delayed Trenton Chamber of Commerce banquet is scheduled for Friday night, June 4 with plans calling for the event to be held outdoors, under two big event tents, on the grounds of Black Silo Winery. “Wild Safari” will be the theme of the Chamber banquet and program.

Social hour will be held at 5:30; a catered dinner will be served at 6 o’clock.

The evening includes award presentations including Pillars of the Community, the Business, and Organizations of the Year.

Debbie Carmen is president of the Trenton Area Chamber of Commerce.



There will be a live auction and a 50/50 raffle with music provided by Slow Leak. A photo booth will be available.

Individual tickets cost $35.00 with sponsorships for $450 including a table for six, a business banner displayed at the event, business name on the event program, and 20 raffle tickets. The $300 sponsorship includes a table for six and the business name listed in the program.

The chamber banquet is open to both chamber members and non-members, with space limited. Those planning to attend should RSVP by Friday, May 28 to the Trenton Chamber of Commerce at 660-359-4324 or email

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