Trenton Building and Nuisance Board takes action on ten addresses

Trenton Building and Nuisance Board
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Trenton’s Building and Nuisance Board took action on ten addresses Monday evening, including one that will be released from future consideration.

Advancing to a public hearing next month is 308 Main Street. There were seven public hearings last evening. Advancing to findings of fact are 824 Custer; 403 West 13th Street; 418 West 13th Court; and 14-16 Chestnut. A spokesman for the owners of 824 Custer attended the hearing and requested a six-month extension to allow time to gather resources to make the improvements suggested by the city. Building Inspector Wes Barone was opposed and recommended the property move to the next phase, which is finding of facts, thus allowing 30 days to show progress.

Extensions of 60 days were granted to 2102 Park Lane and 1615 Tindall Avenue. Owners of the two properties attended the hearing and detailed plans they have to continue to work on improvements. A 30-day extension was given to 510 East 17th Street.

One other location, 302 East 10th Street, will proceed to the certificate of existence of a dangerous building. Barone anticipates it will need to be torn down.

It was reported considerable work has been done by the new owners of 1312 Shanklin after the building board, in 2017, issued a certificate of existence of a dangerous building. Barone said improvements have improved the condition, and the owners requested the certificate be removed from the deed, which was approved.

At the beginning of the meeting, City Attorney Tara Walker conducted an orientation for building board members. Several questions were asked, and answers were provided. She noted portions of the city ordinance dealing with nuisances include those about health; tall grass and weeds; abandoned or junk vehicles; and buildings.

The process involving the building and nuisance board most often deals with structures. Many are identified by board members for Barone to check. He stressed the importance of having an address so he can check the correct location. He takes photos of each location and presents them to the board for review. More photos are taken as the process continues. Barone also contacts property owners to discuss what improvements need to be done. Then progress reports, which sometimes show nothing has been done, are presented at the monthly board meetings.

The seven Trenton building and nuisance board members are appointed by the Mayor with council consent. Members serving on this board are Chairman David Mlika, plus Harry Kately, Mary Axtell, Vickie Meservey, Lindsay Stevens, and the newest members, Sarah Maloney and Gloria Buzzard. Members serve staggered terms.

The eight-member, elected Trenton City Council today will have their orientation session with the city attorney and other administrative leaders. That session is at 5 o’clock at Trenton City Hall.

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