Trenton Administrative Committee addresses marijuana smoking, or consumption in public places

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Trenton’s Administrative Committee Tuesday evening reviewed ordinances from other communities governing marijuana smoking or consumption in public places. Suggestions were made for the city attorney and police chief to recommend wording that amends a Trenton ordinance regarding the usage of medical marijuana to include the adult-use recreational marijuana and marijuana-infused products.

Councilman Marvin Humphreys believes the Trenton ordinance should mirror language that’s already in state law with some tweaking. The ordinance is expected to offer a broad definition of public places. Some think public view means any location, outside a residence, as people are free to move about. There also was discussion to have public places also include drivers and passengers of motor vehicles.

It was indicated there could be some allowance for businesses to have the option to designate a marijuana usage area like some do that allow cigarette smoking but only in specific rooms.

Discussion is expected to continue at future meetings of the Trenton Administrative Committee and/or the Trenton City Council as a proposed ordinance will be drafted for review.

Present at city hall for the marijuana usage discussion were Councilmen Danny Brewer and Glen Briggs; city administrator Ron Urton, city clerk Cindy Simpson, and Police Chief Rex Ross. Participating via zoom were Councilman Marvin Humphreys and Mayor Linda Crooks.

The Missouri Department of Revenue has clarified the local option sales taxes that could be imposed on purchases of recreational or “adult use” marijuana. Based on the language in the constitutional amendment, the revenue department says a city and a county can not stack the additional tax of up to three percent. Both the city of Trenton and Grundy County have the marijuana sales tax proposals on the April ballots. Each asks voters to decide whether to impose a three percent sales tax on recreational “adult use” marijuana sales.

The Missouri Department of Revenue states the tax collected from a customer is limited to the percentage passed and is based on the location of the recreational marijuana business or facility. Basically, it depends on if that business is located within the city limits or is in an unincorporated area of a county. If the business is located within the city limits, the revenue department says the city can impose the “adult use” tax of up to three percent. Likewise, the county can only impose an “adult use” tax of up to three percent of facilities located outside the incorporated city limits. Again, it depends on the location of the dispensary. In effect, the local sales taxes are not combined with marijuana sales. The revenue department notes, however, the “adult use” local tax imposed by a city OR a county will be in addition to the six percent recreational marijuana sales tax imposed by the state of Missouri.

At the present time, we are unaware of any approved dispensary in Trenton or Grundy County for recreational marijuana sales to adults ages 21 and older.

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