TMU customers urged to conserve energy to save on electric bills

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Forecast hot temperatures could increase energy usage and result in higher utility bills for Trenton Municipal Utility customers. Cooling costs make up the majority of energy expenses for residents and small business owners. People are urged to control their utility costs by avoiding the use of things that can heat a building from 2:00 to 6:00 pm. A peak warning is issued by utilities to alert consumers to the possibility of high bills.

Other tips to save energy when it is hot:

  • Set thermostat settings as high as possible while maintaining reasonable comfort levels while you are home.
  • Set thermostats to 84 degrees when you’re away from home or install a programmable thermostat to automatically adjust settings while you are away.
  • Avoid using heat-producing appliances like clothes dryers, dishwashers, and oven/stoves during the late afternoon and early evening. Consider using the microwave or grilling outside to avoid heating the kitchen.
  • For windows that receive direct sunlight, keep shades closed during the day to reduce heat gain.
  • Lock doors and windows for a better seal.
  • Wear loose-fitting, lightweight clothes.
  • Don’t block heating system air vents with furniture, curtains, or rugs.

By saving energy during extreme temperatures, utility customers are also helping to keep the electric supply costs down for their hometowns. The electric marketplace is a delicate balance between supply and demand.

When demand is high, the price of electricity is usually high. Customer rates in Trenton are based on the cost to supply electricity. Conserving during high usage periods benefits the customers’ monthly utility expenses but also benefits the entire community.

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