Three men charged with elk poaching in Shannon County

Poached Bull Elk 2023
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In November 2023, a report to the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) triggered an investigation into the illegal killing of a mature bull elk near Klepzig Mill in Shannon County. The case, which started with the discovery of the elk’s carcass, recently concluded with 15 charges being filed against three Missouri men from Bonne Terre.

The incident was first reported by a 14-year-old deer hunter during the opening weekend of firearms deer season, November 11 and 12, 2023. Shannon County Conservation Agents Brad Hadley and Logan Brawley responded to the scene, where they found the bull elk shot and left to rot. The entire carcass was transported to MDC’s Central Regional Office and Conservation Research Center in Columbia for further investigation, including a necropsy.

Throughout the nine-month poaching investigation, conservation agents from several regions of Missouri—including the Ozark, Central, St. Louis, and Southeast regions—worked to gather evidence. This included interviewing local hunters and individuals passing through the area. Agents deployed two K-9 conservation units, logging over 28 miles in search of clues. Additionally, surveillance footage from local businesses and elk population-monitoring cameras played a critical role in identifying the suspects.

Agents served five search warrants, and numerous items were submitted to forensic labs for analysis. The investigation culminated in charges against three men for multiple violations of the Wildlife Code of Missouri.

“The three men also killed deer that they failed to Telecheck, resulting in illegal possession of the animals,” explained Agent Hadley. “They face two charges each for the illegal killing of the elk and wanton waste, two charges each for the illegal deer kills and possession, and one littering charge per individual, bringing the total to five charges for each man.”

Hadley emphasized the collaborative effort that led to the resolution of the case, noting the contributions from the public and local businesses. “From the 14-year-old hunter who first reported it, to the businesses that provided security footage, everyone involved was appalled by the waste of this elk. Their cooperation was essential to the success of the investigation.”

MDC Protection Chief Randy Doman highlighted the importance of public involvement in conservation efforts. “Public support of conservation is critical to conservation success. Our agents work diligently to build trust with the public, and we couldn’t have solved this case without their help.”

Poaching, which includes the illegal taking of wildlife outside of season or without proper permits, undermines efforts to protect Missouri’s wildlife and impacts those who appreciate it—whether they are hunters, anglers, or nature watchers.

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Randall Mann

Randall has been with KTTN/KGOZ for almost 20 years. He is the current Engineer for all of the stations, as well as working "on-air" from 6 to 10, am in the morning. Randall does a bit of everything including producing advertisements as well as writing the occasional news article. Randall is also the current Webmaster for the studio as well as the local graphic artist.