Tax levy hearing scheduled by Grundy County senior services board

Tax Levy Hearing
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The Grundy County Senior Citizens Services Tax Fund Board will hold a tax levy hearing on August 23 before its regular meeting. Citizens may be heard on the property tax rates by the board at 8:30 a.m. that morning.

The board is proposing a tax rate of five cents on the $100 of assessed valuation. That is the same rate as it has been.

The tax was established in 2007 to improve the health, nutrition, and quality of life for Grundy County residents who are at least 60 years old.

More information on the August 23 hearing is available by calling Grundy County Senior Citizens Services Tax Fund Board Secretary-Treasurer Diana Hoppe at 660-359-1904 or Board Member R. W. Keuhn at 660-654-4272.

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