
Audio: 120,000 Missourians no longer on Medicaid but state’s Medicaid costs continue to climb

House Minority Leader Crystal Quade says 120,000 Missourians, including about 95,000 children, have reportedly been removed from Medicaid since January 2018. State Representative David Wood, who chairs a budget committee involving Social Services, says the number of Missourians on state healthcare has declined, but the state’s Medicaid costs continue to climb.     Wood thinks […]


Audio: Missouri legislator says previous ACA requirement is main culprit for major decline in Medicaid figures

House Minority Leader Crystal Quade of Springfield says 120,000 Missourians, including about 95,000 children, have been removed from Medicaid since January 2018. State Representative David Wood, who chairs a budget committee involving Social Services, says he’s been following the reduction for months. He thinks the dip in numbers is largely tied to the Affordable Care […]